European Conservation Genetics Meeting
August 30 – September 1, Edinburgh
Join us, at ConsGen22, for three days of conservation genetics research and networking.

About ConsGen22
The 2022 meeting in Edinburgh is the 5th European Conservation Genetics meeting held since 2015 and the first to be hosted in the UK.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, we will meet in the historic capital of Scotland to share recent developments in conservation genetics from around Europe and beyond.
This year the scientific programme will be divided into four themes focused on the development and application of genetic and genomic methods to conservation management. We have an exciting line-up of key note speakers as well as opportunities for delegates to contribute through oral presentations and posters. In keeping with previous ConsGen meetings, there will be an emphasis on promoting the involvement of Early Career Researchers.
Abstract Book
In an attempt to minimise the environmental impact of ConsGen22, we will not be providing printed copies of the programme or abstract book.

This year’s meeting is designed around four themes:
- Collections
How conservation genetics can be enhanced through interacting with living, cryopreserved, historic and digital biological collections
- Technologies
The fundamental research and current innovations that will underpin future conservation genetics implementation
- Applications
Case studies and demonstrations of how genetics research can positively impact conservation outcomes
- Policy
How the conservation genetic community influences the biodiversity policy cycle at local, national and global levels

Talks, Posters and Meetings
Our four Themes will be explored and developed through a combination of keynote and invited speakers, and delegate contributions, including standard oral, speedtalk and poster presentations. We are also making time and space available for you to meet and discuss your own collaborative projects and attend presentations from our supporters.

Social Events
We’re planning a series of evening social events, including a conference dinner and ceilidh at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. We’ll also be offering an evening event at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo.
Full conference
Students- with conference dinner
Staff- with conference dinner
One day
Per day
StudentsPer day
All COVID-19 rules and restrictions have been lifted in Scotland. However, the virus has not gone away. We recommend that delegates think carefully about attending if they are feeling unwell and advise that you do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19. Hand sanitiser stations will be provided throughout the conference venue and masks will be available. For up-to-date COVID-19 guidelines please refer to the Scottish Government website.
Host Institutions

Our Sponsors

Registration is now closed
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